New Pattern! Spider Web Baby Blanket (Knitted)

I had a baby at the end of June. Unfortunately, there were some complications, and she had to spend some time in the NICU. All is well now, but while she was being treated, I needed something to keep my hands occupied at the hospital. Since the situation was stressful, and my attention was often divided, that project needed to be both interesting enough to keep my attention and easy enough that I could work on it while paying attention to other things. The Spider Web Baby Blanket is the result.

This baby blanket is easy to make and works up quickly on big needles. It’s worked from the center out, and with the number of increases per round, it doesn’t quite lie flat.  Instead the corners are a little extra pointy, reminding me of a spiderweb. The gauge, combined with the distinctive texture of seed stitch, makes for an extra squishy blanket, perfect for your little one to cuddle up in.

