I just finished making a cabled hat. It's my next pattern, so keep an eye out for that!
I love doing cables, but I've always struggled to keep track of the rows between pattern rows. If I use a row counter or mark down my rows on paper, I find myself struggling to keep track of whether I remembered to mark down the last row. With cable patterns that have more than a couple of rows worked even between the cable rows, I find I have difficulty reading which is the row with the cabling and which is the row immediately after.
After decades (yes, decades) of feeling like my row counting abilities are inadequate, I finally figured out how to make it work: count the rows on the Wrong Side of the work! If you look at the back of a cable, it's really obvious which stitches were crossed (the pencil is pointing to one in the image on the right), making it very easy to count the rows above it. It feels like it should have been really obvious to count rows this way now that it's occurred to me, but if it took me this long to figure it out, maybe it's also not obvious to someone else.
This post has been linked to Busy Monday, Inspire Me Monday, Senior Salon, WITS, Wordless Wednesday, The Stitchin' Mommy, and Thursday Favorite Things.