And then the garment wall ...

The swatch/sampler wall is done, for now, pending adding additional swatches as I find them (I know a couple are missing).  Next step is hanging the garments on another wall.  There isn't room for all, so I may rotate them over the three days.  It’s kind of fun.
A batch of garments to show - all are either really simply shaped or are
examples of the top-down pattern I use a lot.

On the table, there will be the baby and doll things on one side, and hats/socks/other small stuff on the other.  I have a bunch of stuff.

Wrapping up the brochure.  It’s a good start.  There is the brochure, proper, and an additional page with lots of measurement charts:  for people, for 18” dolls, and for square/rectangle things including scarves, pillows, and throws.

And once it is done, we get to take it all down and ship it.
