Interweave Crochet, summer 2014 issue

Kathryn Vercillo's article about Vicki Sulfaro and Healing Through Crochet, along with Samantha Nerove's article about Combat Crochet brought crochet full circle for me:  When I first learned to crochet, it seemed that many folks considered the craft to be historically for injured people during their convalescence, keeping brain-injured people occupied, soothing for shell-shocked soldiers, and, of course, for old women churning out an embarrassing number of doilies that set the neighbors to gossip.  As a child, I did not know any of that.  I just liked the power of working one stitch at a time, the basic complexity, and the process.  As we work to heal in a world of pain, it is good to see crochet taking its traditional place again along with all its modern creativity.  I haven't seen the blog about this issue refer to these articles, yet.
