These are the goals I set in January for 2024:
- Publish 12 new patterns for sale in the Stitch Whisper Designs Etsy Shop (6 knitted, and 6 crocheted, as usual).
- Publish 2 new video tutorials.
- Continue editing free patterns from this blog into downloadable pdfs.
- Create more fun merch for the Etsy Shop.
- Make a set of coasters for my home
- Make a twin size blanket for my 3yo.
- Make another Pentagranny Baby Blanket
- Make the Frida beret to go with my lace gloves
- Make crocheted fruits and garlands to add to my Sukkot decorations
- Make the Cabriole baby cardigan for charity
- Continue weekly charity stitching
Here's the progress I've made over the last three months:
- Of my planned dozen patterns to publish for sale this year, I've published three. I put out the Crazy Filet Shawlet in January. Top Down Mittens were a pattern I had not planned on for this year, but I published that one in February. And the Folded Cowl that I listed in March is a knitted version of the Folded Eyelet Cowl I published last year. I'll have a new pattern for you guys in a week or so.
- I have not turned any more of the free patterns on this blog into pdfs yet this year, but I have published two free patterns in addition to the ones for sale. First, I published a star motif that is a modification of a free pattern by another designer. The other free pattern is how to make a pentagon in net stitch, based on a design by Practical Crocheter. My sample of the Net Stitch Pentagon is a dress-up cape for my 6yo.
- Goal number 7 was to make another Pentagranny Baby Blanket by Shelley Husband. I set that goal, because I'm expecting a baby in July, and I want to make that blanket for my little one, since I really enjoyed working up that pattern last year. I'm working on that project now, and I've made most of the small motifs.
- Finally, I have continued to do my weekly charity stitching. All the sample mittens for my Top Down Crocheted Mittens pattern have gone into my charity bag, although my prototype pair were new mittens for my 8yo. I've used some of the yarn leftover from that to make a baby hat and other leftover stash yarn to make another. I've also used some leftover acrylic to make a baby hat using my Upside Down Kid Hat pattern, just in a smaller gauge, and a pair of Boogie Baby Booties. I had most of a skein of worsted weight, black acrylic, and I used that to make the Able Cable Hat by Kari Steinetz, which I reviewed here. Most recently, I've started on the Ten-Stitch Hat by Frankie Brown, which looks to be a fun project. Most recently, I made the Hexagon Baby Sweater by Mon Petit Violon, and that also went into the charity bag (review here).

In the next three months, I'm hoping to
- Finish the Pentagranny Baby Blanket and make a couple other cute things for the baby
- Publish at least three more patterns
- Get started on the twin size blanket for my 3yo, especially since he just moved from a toddler bed to a twin.
- Turn at least one free pattern on this blog into a pdf.
- Introduce some new merch to the Etsy store in time for Mother's Day.
- Finish the Ten-Stitch Hat
- Start on the Cabriole baby cardigan.
This post has been linked to Busy Monday, Inspire Me Monday, Senior Salon, The Stitchin' Mommy, Wonderful Wednesday, and Thursday Favorite Things.